ICLTE 2023 – IV International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education
- 07 – 09, December, 2023
- Bursa, Turkey
- Blended Mode ofParticipation
- Abstract Submission and Registration: http://laste.iatels.com
ICLTE 2023 is a conference which aims to enhance academic interaction and collaboration internationally.
It promotes a constructive dialogue among experts and international cooperation in solving actual societal and scientific problems.
Presentation – Discussion – Projection are the key elements to boost international collaboration and look for more projects together.
The international experts, academicians and researchers are selected to speak and present at the conference based on their professional and research background as well as their eagerness to explore new ideas and develop new collaborative projects in an international context.
There are ten thematically focussed conference sessions with invited speakers to present, discuss and project during the session life span.
The selection of the speakers and their research contribution to the content of the session are defined beforehand to make the session particularly focussed on the targeted issues.
At the same time, it is crucial to develop the discussion and interaction inside of the session in such a way that will bring to generating new ideas and plans for further research and educational projects.
It is going to be our IV International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education which takes its roots in LASTE Conference initiated in 2028 (http://laste.iatels.com)
The conference aims to create an international academic platform for generating opportunities for international collaboration and developing connections for mutual projects, programs and publications in future.
The abstracts submitted to the conference are published in the Abstract Book with ISBN number.
Full papers are published in International Journal on Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education or in a collective monograph with ISBN number depending on the authors’ choice.
We also work to collect and process selected manuscripts publishing them as thematic monographs in Springer Publisher.
The conference participants decide on the further publication plan for their full paper submissions.
Conference Sessions
- Language and Artificial Intelligence:
AI’s objective is to simulate human intelligence. In this concern, language is considered one of its main expressions. Moreover, it plays the most important role. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a significant branch of Artificial Intelligence. This session is aimed to build up the discussion of the issues concerning language in artificial intelligence, NLP, language input and output in terms of AI tools and their development.
2. Discourse and Communications:
Discourse like communication within certain social groups evolves in connection with a certain communication situation and is determined by the conditions of communication, though it is based on certain stereotypes, rules and attitudes determined by space and time.
This session is aimed to discuss current issues in discourse studies, discourse analysis, correlation of discourse and communication, discourse in massive social groups, social media, changes of discourse and its effects on communication and behaviour.
3. Language and Well-being:
Language matters in mental health. The words we use shape how we see the world–and ourselves. The words we choose and the meanings we attach to them influence our decisions, beliefs, and well-being. According to the principle of linguistic relativity, the way people think of the world is influenced directly by the language that people use to talk about it. Or more radically, people could only perceive aspects of the world for which their language has words.
The session is aimed to discuss the role of language in developing individual and social well-being, case studies in support or rejection of the linguistic relativity principle, categorising and perceiving the world through language.
4. Language Technologies:
Language technology or human language technology (HLT) comprises methods of how computer programs or electronic devices analyze, produce, modify or respond to human texts and speech. Merging language studies and computer sciences, this field of knowledge is on the peak of its urgency especially considering the boom of AI development.
This session is aimed to discuss current trends, solutions and achievements as well as gaps in the field of the language technologies and their development.
5. Translation Studies:
Translation is a courier for the transmission of knowledge, a protector of cultural heritage, being highly essential for the development of a global economy. Highly skilled translators are key for effective international communication.
This session is aimed to discuss current trends in translation studies, challenges of translation in the modern world, current issues in training translators and interpreters, developments in social attitude towards translation and translators, translation of literature of the past and modern tendencies.
6. Teaching Languages Online:
After global lockdown, the industry of online language teaching experiences its boom, but are the tools which are used really effective? What kind of methodology should be applied concerning modern ICT technologies, a variety of open language resources, AI tools and all changes which occurred in learners’ minds due to the technological revolution, globalisation and social media?
7. Online Language Programs and Courses:
This session is aimed to bring to the discussion the best practices and case studies in the field of teaching languages online through new solutions, applications, programs and innovative courses. It invites developers, methodologists and practitioners who are using different kinds of applications and contents as well as those who are developing them for the purposes of teaching languages online to discuss their experiences and share their insights for current practices and future developments.
8. Social Linguistics:
Social Linguistics as the descriptive study of different aspects of society, including cultural and traditional norms, economic and political processes, national and international conflicts remains one of the most crucial studies. Due to the changes in the social, economic and political lives locally and globally, language undergoes changes and transformations which affect further communication and discourses. In the current world of quick and drastic changes, enormous migration between countries and continents, military actions and their effects on minds in local and global perspectives, linguistic studies of communities and social groups are of special importance.
This session is aimed to create a platform to discuss current studies, cases, observations and reflections on the issues within social effects and their influence on language.
9. Psycholinguistics:
This session focuses on the studies of the psychological processes that make it possible for humans to master and use language. It discusses different issues in speech development, language acquisition, bilingualism and multilingualism, language development, its comprehension and production by individuals of different age groups. The session also includes the studies of individual cases of language development and production, mental states and their influence on language use.
10. Literature and Its Studies:
Literature provides insights and deeper understanding about the lives of different cultures, communities and individuals. It helps to develop a critical understanding of crucial matters, such as identity, subjectivity, culture, place and belonging. Literature is a type of discourse which reveals real situations, relations and attitudes. In the modern world of technological revolution and social media domination, new types of literature evolve as well as the traditional literary styles undergo deep changes and transformations.
This session is aimed to discuss current tendencies in literature at the national and international levels, analyse literature of the past and present, shed the light on new theories, case studies and developments.
You can submit your abstract to the abstract submission system of the conference or to the email laste.iatels@gmail.com
Full papers and extended manuscripts can be submitted later, after receiving an approval on the abstract submission.
In case of any questions and concerns, please feel free to contact the organising committee via email laste.iatels@gmail.com
Each session has a life span of three stages: Presentation – Discussion – Projection.
Stage I – Presentation – Moderator 1
At this stage of the session, the invited speakers make presentations of their research, experiences, case studies, research and educational philosophies depending on the targeted issues of the session.
The allowed number of the presenters is 5 – 7 maximum.
The duration of the presentation time is 15 minutes with 3-5 minutes between the presentations for questions.
The role of Moderator 1 is to lead the session, facilitate questions and control timing of the session.
The duration of this stage is 1,5 – 2 Hours
Stage II – Discussion – Moderator 2
The aim of this stage is to develop a discussion and facilitate the answers of the session on the following questions:
- What are the social and economic needs which can be targeted by the knowledge and skills of this field (the session topic area)?
- What are the gaps between society / economy and current state of the field (the session topic area)?
- What are the research gaps in the field?
The role of Moderator 2 is to initiate and lead the discussion equally involving all the invited experts. The discussion should facilitate the answers to the key questions of the session. Moderator 2 should also keep a record of the ideas and points of view expressed during the session.
The duration of this stage 1 Hour.
Stage 3 – Projection – Moderator 3
Based on the first two stages, the invited experts are going to work together to develop comprehensive ideas and plans for future projects and programs following the experts research and education background, their organisational and administrative capacities and taking into account the social / economic / research gaps highlighted at the stage of Discussion.
During this stage of the session, the participants should decide on:
Project type:
- Joint publication – article, book, teaching manual, monograph of chapters, other (specify) – countries involved;
- Training program – topic, targeted audience, draft content, duration, countries involved, mode of participation;
- Join research – aims, topic, scope of the issues to target, countries involved, anticipated outcomes;
- Other (please specify) – aims, topic, scope of the issues to target, countries involved, anticipated outcomes;
The role of Moderator 3 is to lead and facilitate interaction and collaboration of the experts to bring the discussion to the tangible plan of the project to be done collaboratively in the future.
The Moderator should observe and scrutinise the experts’ research interests, background and capacities based on the previous session stages and take into account the outcomes of the second session stage “Discussion”.
All the participants should be equally involved, heard and engaged into the elaboration of the future project plan(s). The session can come up with more than one project plan.
The duration of Stage 3is 1 – 2 Hours depending on the time needed for the session to finalise a draft of the project idea(s) / plan(s).
As the main purpose of the conference is to enhance international academic collaboration and productivity in terms of collaborative research and education, all project plans will be followed up after the conference.
The session stages can be planned on the same conference day or extended through all the conference days depending on the organisational aims and needs.
To assure involvement and active participation of all the invited speakers, Moderator 1, Moderator 2, Moderator 3 are different experts. These roles will be assigned to the participants of the session based on their academic background and professional preferences.
The invited speakers can express their wish to act in the role of Moderator 1, 2, 3 at the stage of their prior registration to the conference.
Wednesday, 06.12.2023
19.00 – Welcoming Dinner
Thursday, 07.12.2023
10.00 – 18.00 – Conference Sessions
18.00 – 20.00 – City Tour “Historical Bursa”
Friday, 08.12.2023
10.00 – 18.00 – Conference Sessions
18.00 – 20.00 – Evening Get Together “Dine & Wine”
Saturday, 09.12.2023
10.00 – 17.00 – Workshops and Training – “Akademik Koleji” (Academic College), Bursa
Invited speakers and experts are welcome to submit their proposals to give a workshop or a short-term training (The workshop / training should be practical and last 1 – 2 hours)
The conference organising committee preserves the right to make changes in the program depending on the mode of the speakers’ participation, number of the personal participants and weather conditions (Visiting Ski Resorts, Attending Language Training Centres, Chocolate Museum, etc are the optionals which can be included into the program).
Certificates will be issued to all the participants depending on their role in the conference and mode of participation.